Women in the Law UK is a women’s not-for-profit networking organisation providing members with an array of resources and events designed to encourage, inspire and support the next generation of Lawyers and Women in Business.

Founder & Chairwoman

Sally Penni
Sally PenniFounder and Chair of Women in the Law UK
Sally is a practicing Barrister and is Vice Chair of the Association of Women Barristers.

Ambassadors – MANCHESTER

Charlotte Percy
Charlotte Percy
Charlotte is a Solicitor at Slater & Gordon specialising in Family Law.
Rebecca Young
Rebecca Young
Rebecca is a Commercial Solicitor at Slater & Gordon.
Isobel Sarbutts
Isobel Sarbutts
Student Ambassador.
Laura Gould
Laura Gould
Laura is a Employment Barrister at Kings Chambers, Manchester.
Stefanie Cochrane
Stefanie Cochrane
Stefanie is a Personal Injury Barrister at Cobdan House Chambers, Manchester.
Rachel Cooper
Rachel Cooper
Rachel is a Criminal Law Barrister at Lincoln House Chambers, Manchester.
Lisa Ross
Lisa Ross
Lisa is the Events Co-ordinator and Membership Secretary.
Kirsty Speake
Kirsty Speake
Kirsty is the Conference Co-ordinator & an Ambassador for Women in the Law UK.
Caroline Mcacaron
Senior Associate, JMW Solicitors LLP
Dinah Crystal, OBE
Dinah Crystal, OBE
Dinah is a retired academic from Manchester University Law school and the Chair of Law Works.
Denise Nurse
Denise Nurse
Denise is Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of London’s Halebury solicitors.
Maureen Barlow
Maureen Barlow
Maureen is an External Relations & Research Hub Administrator at Manchester School of Law.

Ambassadors – LONDON

Kizzy Augustin
Partner, Russell-Cooke
Sara Ibribim
Barrister, Black Letter Law
Deborah Bryan
Barrister, 33 Bedford Row
Louise Mcarthy-Teague
HR Director, BLM
Sara Ibribim
Barrister, Black Letter Law

Ambassadors – LEEDS

Rachel Roberts
Stowe family law
Caroline Woods
Barrister, Leeds Park Square Chambers

Ambassadors – LIVERPOOL

Caroline Kingsley
Kingsley Recruitment
Shola HornsbY
Law Undergraduate University of Liverpool

Ambassadors – BIRMINGHAM

Michael Goodwin
Stowe family law

Ambassadors – EDINBURGH

Naomi Pryde
Susanne Tanner QC
Caroline Collins Tom
Karen Nicol

Ambassadors – GLASGOW

Amy Walsh
Haper Mcloud

Want to join us?

Please visit our membership page if you are interested in joining Women in the Law & Business UK.